Deon Energy Pvt. Ltd. is founded by Dharmesh Patel, who is also honouring the post of Managing Director at the company. With over 10 years of knowledgeable experience in the Renewable Energy Sector and business development, he has a proven track record in leading numerous successful projects, especially in the solar sector. Mr. Patel has been empowering and supporting a number of ventures and projects in the solar sector.

To achieve this vision at Deon Energy Pvt. Ltd. we had to get only the best of best. Our projects and renewable energy implementation uses cutting edge technologies and smarter systems that encourage and value innovation within the Deon community while building sustainable relationships with the companies we work and operate with.


Our Work Policies

Recruitment and Hiring Practices

We value talented, motivated and dynamic personalities.

We believe in equality and giving fair opportunity to all candidates and we have a detailed and thorough process of selecting the ideal individuals to join at Team Deon. Our intricate hiring process help choose candidates on the basis of our requirements specified for the role. We also search for optimally talented individuals for our special projects. Candidates chosen in the first selection are called in for a series of further evaluations or HR rounds that include:

01 Professional Proficiency

02 Past Experiences and References

03 Psychometric Test

04 Medical Check Up

Deon Energy Pvt. Ltd. declares and maintains a clear guideline by emphasising on no tolerance for discrimination on the basis of religion, race, or ethnicity. We purely search for dedicated personnel who can integrate with our vision and mission and who can relate with our enlightened environmental cause.

Our Work Culture

Deon Energy Pvt. Ltd. firmly holds onto strict self-discipline as an employer and only exerts fair decisions and instruction for its dear employees. Deon management expects a positive attitude, reliability, and dedication from the employees. We strive to work collectively as a team to create a friendly and co-dependent culture for our valuable employees, so that we can work closely as a company to achieve our mutually dependent objectives. Team Deon works hard for every project to deliver outstanding renewable energy projects of superior quality, while contributing to the betterment of the society and build the reality of a greener future.

Current Job Opportunities

We invite you to reach out to us if you are passionate about working for green energy or if you have expertise and special knowledge in this field. Deon family always welcomes dedicated candidates who can integrate with our vision and mission and grow with us.

It will be great to hear from you with your attached CV/ resume for future opportunities. You can always send your resume to